28 October, 2012

Shop preview

I will finally update my Etsy shop again the coming time! Posing still isn't one of my talents, but it's all about the clothes, right? When I'm done with my exams, you will see some of these items (and also other ones!) appear in the shop:

1960s dress

1950s dress

1970s dress (actually comes with a belt, but I forgot about that when the picture was taken - smart move, I know)

NOS 1940s playsuit

  1960s dress

The shoes in the pictures are my new pair of 1940s sandals - I already owned another pair, but those were actually a bit too small, so I'll be selling them too.

19 October, 2012

Quick outfit post

Hey everyone!

I finally have gotten my camera! For today I'll just quickly show you my outfit, taken with the great (ahum) selftimer function, next week I'll have my boyfriend over to take pictures of the new stuff for in the shop!

Yes, my room is trashy, and no, I don't have a head on the second picture, haha.
Anyway, what I'm wearing is a vintage 1960s dress, an H&M sweater and secondhand Justin's Ropers from Ebay.
I'll be going to university soon, so my entry can't be very long today, but I hope you don't mind!

See you soon.

07 October, 2012

A quick update - I am still alive!

You see, I am! - With a fake smile and everything! 

Many greetings from a windy, rainy Sweden where the trees have started turning red and yellow (and all shades inbetween!) and where not much interesting has been happening lately, except for more and more vintage garments reaching my little appartment, dying for me to put them in my Etsy shop. However, I still don't have a camera, but as my sister and mother will be visiting me next weekend, they will bring the old family camera for me to use, as they don't use it anyway. So my blog will finally be updated with something more interesting and my shop will finally be filled that little bit more!
I hope to see you all around soon. (: